Mullein teaz
10 x teabags boxed all prepped and ready to stew (10min) £10 per box
£10 per box
🌸To treat respiratory conditions
Mullein has been used for thousands of years to treat respiratory conditions.
It may be especially effective at relieving asthma, which causes your airway to swell and results in symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Animal and human research suggest that mullein tea works by reducing inflammation, thereby helping relax the muscles in your respiratory tract.
The flowers and leaves of the plant are also used to treat other respiratory ailments, such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and pneumonia. However, no human research has studied whether mullein combats these conditions.
🌸May help fight viral infections
Some test-tube studies suggest that mullein may possess powerful antiviral properties.
For instance, one test-tube study analyzed several medicinal herbs and found that mullein extract was particularly effective against the influenza virus. Other test-tube studies show that mullein extract may also fight pseudorabies, a virus in the herpes family.
🌸Possesses antibacterial properties
Mullein tea may offer antibacterial effects as well.
One test-tube study found that mullein extract inhibited several strains of bacteria, including Bacillus cereus, which commonly occurs in soil and food. Another test-tube study noted that mullein extract reduced the growth of certain types of bacteria that cause infections, such as E. coli and Streptococcus pyogenes
🌸Potential side effects of mullein tea
Most people can enjoy mullein tea safely with minimal risk of adverse effects.
Yet, the mullein plant may cause skin irritation for some people, so be sure to exercise caution if you’re handling the herb directly.
The tiny hairs of the plant can also irritate your throat, which is why it’s important to strain this tea thoroughly before drinking it.
Additionally, no research is available on mullein tea’s safety for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Thus, these populations should consult a healthcare professional before using it.
If you notice any negative side effects after drinking this tea, consider scaling back your intake or avoiding it.