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Zeolite & Ayurvedic Parasite cleanse

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Opening up your pathways ( drainage system) is a must before beginning an intensive cleanse. Drainage is your way of removing waste and toxins and if your drainage system is not flowing properly it will continue to build up and recirculate within the body. This will create uncomfortable detox symptoms, known as herxheimer( herxing) reaction, which can range from mild to severe depending on personnel levels of toxicity and overall drainage flow. So it  is important to make sure your pathways are open ie:- 

Regular bowel movements

Drink plenty water

Work up a sweat, get the lymphatic system woke up ie:- dry brushing, rebounding, sauna blankets, regular exercise etc.

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avoid alcohol, sugary foods, refined carbs, dairy and processed foods whilst doing the cleanse as these can feed parasites and worsen symptoms. Drink lots of water, herbal teas, coconut water is very good for killing parasites along with pumpkin seeds, papaya seeds, garlic, cloves and ginger. 

Increase high fibre foods such as green leaves, grains and legumes which will help the detoxification and digestion preventing toxins entering the body.


I can’t emphasise this enough, it is crucial to use binders during a parasite cleanse, to avoid die off symptoms. Diarrhoea, brain fog, fatigue, headaches. Binders are crucial to clean up the toxins(heavy metals) that are released from the parasites. As the toxins may be released thru the bloodstream.

Just a little post for ppl to better understand the use of the zeolite and the parasite cleanse:-

Parasites and heavy metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic go hand in hand. So if you have parasites you also have a heavy metal toxicity. Parasites use heavy metals as a food source, and to coat themselves with a biofilm to hide from the immune system. So when you start to reduce your metal overload, your immune system will work better and will start to kill off the parasites. Heavy metals are almost impossible to avoid ie;- food,soil, water, pets and even the air we breathe . So it’s vital that heavy metals need to be removed in order to get rid of parasites. Zeolite has the ability to bind and remove toxins from the body safely. Zeolite combined with herbal the powerhouse parasite cleanse will enable the removal of the parasites from the body.

*Parasite prevention do’s and dont’s!!!

Nourish your stomach acid ✔️ 

Up your garlic ✔️ 

Take beta carotene and vit c rich foods ✔️ 

Pro- biotic rich foods for healthy gut ✔️ 

Take vitamins ✔️ 

Avoid red meat 

Dietary choices opt for foods rich in VIT C + B as these nutrients are great for their immune boosting properties.

Monthly gut cleansing and detoxing, combining high fibre diet with things like psyllium, beetroot and flaxseeds all assist in intestinal cleansing. Daily garlic consumption garlic is potent in fighting against parasites, as it contains a compound called Allicin which contains anti parasitic properties. Nourish your stomach acid avoid things like coffee, sugar, alcohol and refined grains. And try to focus on a whole foods based diet. Pumpkin seeds are rich in amino acids and have the ability to lower parasite eggs and adult parasite counts. 

Papaya seeds are known to kill round worm eggs and can be used as a natural parasite cleanse for children.

By using castor oil packs the flow of lymph is increased throughout the body. This helps speed up the removal of toxins surrounding the cells and to reduce the size of swollen lymph nodes. A lot of castor oil sold today is sprayed with pesticides which contaminate the oil with toxins so make sure to use an organic hexane free castor oil in an amber glass bottle. 😊

*Common signs you maybe in need of a parasite cleanse:-






Low immunity






Hair loss

Breaking flaking nails

Dark circles round eyes

Teeth grinding

Increased mucus

Cravings for sweet and salty foods

A parasite cleanse will support the digestive system and cleanse the gut and help with a healthy detoxification.

Our body needs all of its nutrition  from vitamins and food to keep our immune system in shape. 

Parasites use heavy metals to disable and hide from the immune system, they will cost their bodies in heavy metals to further hide. When parasites die off the heavy metals are released which can cause a fungal overgrowth as well as impair the immune system.

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Zeolite & Ayurvedic Parasite cleanse
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