Chamomile teez
100% organic chamomile teez: 10 x teabags boxed all prepped and ready to stew (10min)
£10 per box plus postage
🌸Solves Skin Problems
Look at the ingredients on a whole host of creams and lotions to cool and soothe the skin and you may see chamomile listed. Studies have shown that chamomile has a positive effect when helping heal acne and other skin conditions too. Chamomile brings natural calm and can help your skin combat everything from acne to irritation, eye puffiness and so much more. It works on acne as it has high anti-inflammatory properties making it a dab hand at helping to prevent breakouts and can also help soothe skin irritations like eczema. For those with acne scars and irritated skin, do as the ancient Romans and Egyptians and use chamomile to calm and moisturize and encourage swift wound healing.
Chamomile tea is also a natural lightener for the skin meaning it can help those sleepy dark circles under your eyes fade away. We love that chamomile can also help keep your skin moisturized and well-protected from harsh UV rays. Chamomile tea is chock full of antioxidants too which get to work on free radicals which cause cell damage and speed up the signs of aging.
🌸Helps to Lose Weight
Pour yourself a cup of chamomile tea and let this delicate little flower get to work on fighting unwanted obesity. While weight loss is a larger issue for sorting with your medical professional if it's veering into unhealthy or risky territory, drinking chamomile tea can help to speed up your metabolism. It works by stimulating your gastric system and getting those juices flowing faster. These juices work by breaking down food and lead to faster digestion.
🌸Improves Hair Health
Luscious shiny locks are waiting at the bottom of your cup of chamomile tea. Those rich anti-inflammatory compounds bring a calming touch to dry and itchy scalps. All those who struggle with dandruff will find that chamomile tea can be an excellent natural solution. Not only can chamomile tea boost your hair health and bring a shine when applied topically, but it can also work as a natural lightener. The lightening properties found in chamomile can drench your hair in sunshine. Bring brightness and shine to your hair by pouring cold chamomile tea onto your hair after showering and rinse with water.
🌸Manages Digestive Problems
Soothe your stomach and encourage healthy digestive flow with a cup or so of chamomile tea. The delicious blend of anti-inflammatory properties, reduction in bloating and stomach acid, and the fact that chamomile is a natural healer is sure to wash all those stomach issues away. Animal studies have shown that chamomile may help to protect against diarrhea and can also help to prevent stomach ulcers as it works by reducing stomach acid (which can contribute to the development of ulcers). If you want to get the best out of chamomile tea when it comes to your digestive system, you should sip a cup half an hour before you sit down to eat a meal.
🌸Relieves Anxiety
One glance at the gorgeous little white and yellow flower is enough to pick you up but turn it into tea and chamomile goes even further when it comes to alleviating anxiety and helping to settle frayed nerves. Chamomile acts as a natural sedative which can quickly help put the mind and body at ease and help you to let go of spiraling thoughts and bodily tension. For these reasons, chamomile is a common aromatherapy choice for those who are suffering from an anxiety disorder and looking for herbal remedies to get them back on track.
A study back in 2012 returned amazing results. Over an eight-week period, participants with anxiety were given chamomile extract every single day. At the end of the study period, there was a whopping 50% reduction in anxiety symptoms from those who took part.
Chamomile tea can help raise serotonin levels in your body along with melatonin levels too. These two hormones work in harmony to help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. The added benefits of less stress also mean that you are less likely to suffer from migraines and headaches too. As your body is more relaxed it will also help prevent muscle tension and is well known for reducing the pain associated with menstrual cramps and muscle spasms.
🌸Helps To Sleep Better
Along with kicking out jangly nerves and putting you at perfect ease, sipping chamomile tea on the reg can also ensure you enjoy higher sleep quality. This is of course a natural side effect of lessening the grip of stress and anxiety, but it also contains a special antioxidant which can contribute to feelings of sleepiness. Apigenin is the antioxidant which binds to special receptors in your brain and reduces insomnia and other related problems.
Human studies showed that those who took chamomile extract twice a day for 28 days reported falling asleep faster and getting more quality shut eye than those who didn’t take it. Those odds easily convince us to tuck up tight with a steaming cup of chamomile each night.
🌸Improve Heart Health
Flushed with flavones (antioxidants found in chamomile tea), sipping a few cups of floral fresh chamomile tea a day can even help to improve your heart health. Not only do flavones reduce blood pressure levels and lower cholesterol (both which will dramatically improve the health of your heart), but they also work by relaxing blood vessels and arteries. Chamomile tea is also an effective stress buster meaning that it can encourage better sleep and less tension in your life. All this is good news for your heart.
🌸Works As An Immune System Booster
A strong immune system is essential if you want to fend off cold, flu, and virus season and this is where chamomile tea can be the perfect addition to your cupboard. This tea’s immune-boosting properties have been studied and as chamomile is said to raise your levels of Hippurate (a chemical which naturally boosts your immune system), you can be safe and snug in the knowledge that curling up with a cup of tea is helping to keep you strong and healthy.
The added value of a ton of antioxidants is also going to help as is the lowered stress levels. Studies have also shown that when we are stressed our body is an easier target for illness and viruses.
🌸Promotes Bone Density
Keep your bones strong and happy with chamomile tea. Chamomile tea has been studied for its anti-estrogen levels and a 2004 study uncovered the potential for this tea to promote healthy bone density. High levels of estrogen can be a contributing fact in osteoporosis especially in post-menopausal women. As osteoporosis can lead to poor posture and brittle bones, sipping tea is an easy fuss-free solution that could help bone density.
🌸Helps to Lower Blood Sugar
For all diabetics out there, chamomile tea has been studied and found to be a great supplement alongside traditional medical treatments for keeping your blood sugar under control. A study completed in 2008 on animals returned results showing that consuming chamomile tea could have helped prevent blood sugar levels from rising. Not convinced by animal studies. There have been human studies too.
A small study from Tabriz University observed a group of people with type 2 diabetes. Half the group were given chamomile tea every day during meals. The rest of the group had water instead. At the end of the eight-week period, those who consumed chamomile tea had significantly lower blood sugar levels than those who drank water.
Rising blood sugar can lead to long term complications of diabetes so this is definitely welcome news for all those who love the taste of chamomile and want to keep their levels under control.
🌸Side effects of chamomile:🌸
There are a few people who need to check in with their medical professional before turning to chamomile tea and there are those who should not drink chamomile tea. Take a look at whether you make the list of those who may want to skip chamomile or check in with their doctor first:
🦋Those with a history of allergies to pollens (remember chamomile is a flower so chances are it could be contaminated with pollen from other plants too).
🦋Those who have previously had allergic reactions to chamomile products.
🦋Young children (like all-natural products, chamomile could have been open to botulism spores which adults can fight but children may struggle with).
🦋Certain medications may also be at odds with chamomile so always check in with your doctor to avoid complications before consuming chamomile tea.
🦋For those who have surgery lined up, you may also want to check in before consuming chamomile tea as it can work as a blood thinner.
🦋Pregnant people may also want to seek advice before drinking this tea.